
Temple Beth Tikvah offers a wide range of Jewish educational resources for students Pre-K to adult. Religious School provides students and their families with the opportunity to learn about their Jewish heritage and to identify as Jews.

We offer K -12 students and families:

  • The opportunity to explore Judaism, learn Hebrew, and discover what being Jewish means. Worship services, Jewish holiday celebrations, Jewish life cycle events, and Jewish music participation complement classroom instruction. Jewish learning through Jewish living.
  • Small class sizes, mid-week class, and the convenience of a neighborhood school that makes arranging carpools, attending social events, and celebrating special holidays or music programs easy.
  • A fun and exciting learning environment!
  • Family Education workshops for every grade, co-led by our Rabbi and Principal.
  • Experience a unique opportunity to share with your children.
  • Special holiday events for children throughout the year.
  • Tot Shabbat services monthly
  • Family Friendly High Holiday services, and 2nd night Family Friendly Passover Seder.

Our Curriculum:

Our curriculum is designed to give our students a broad understanding of the various facets of their heritage. We include in this the following: Torah, life cycle celebrations, history, literature, prayer and Hebrew language and God topics. Jewish holidays are celebrated in the school, weekly  Kehillah, community gathering and classroom activities.

2nd Grade and 3rd Grade

This is a time for the children to start learning about Torah stories and Jewish holidays.   ​

​Visual, experiential and hands-on learning are featured in focusing on synagogue objects, the Jewish community and the holidays, the students will be guided through their Jewish journey through a variety of media.  Hebrew pre-reading skills are developed using Basic Hebrew Aleph-Bet .

​This begins an official learning of Hebrew letters.  We use a decoding method, which teaches children words from prayers they will recognize in future grades.  Children learn the Shema, 4 questions and Barchu as their Hebrew foundation.  Throughout the year, the holidays are explored through projects and hands-on experiences.  Kehillah is an important element of their weekly education introducing the prayer components of weekday services.

4th Grade 

The Life Cycle is the focal point of this grade. Students learn about the Jewish Life Cycle moments from birth and welcoming rituals to death and mourning rituals and everything in between.  The Hebrew component focuses on reinforcing reading skills and learning to read or chant the prayers and blessings specific to a Friday evening service, specifically the Ma’ariv.  

5th Grade

The 5th grade’s focus is learning core Jewish values such as: Teshuvah and B’ Ztelem Elohim, as well as bringing the biblical stories to life in the classroom. .  Hebrew studies in 5th grade involve using the Siddur to delve more deeply into the Shabbat Morning Service in preparation for their B’nai Mitzvah. Prayers include: Avot, Gevurot and an introduction to the Torah Blessings.   ​

6th Grade

In the 6th grade, students learn about social action and ethics. Students are challenged to apply Jewish values in their own lives.  There is also a focus on Gemilut Chasadim (deeds of loving kindness).  With Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations approaching, the Torah Service is the focus of the Hebrew curriculum.

7th Grade 

In this pivotal year, the students delve into the beginning of Jewish adulthood. Torah portions of the week are discussed, as well as the deeper meanings of the prayers they will be leading as they become B’nai Mitzvah.  The focus is a deeper understanding of reading between the lines of meaning and how these topics relate to current Jewish teenage life.  

B’nai Mitzvah Program

Our B’nai Mitzvah program provides a meaningful experience that helps each child develop a lifelong Jewish identity.

Adult Education

Rabbi Dresner Historical Lectures

Shabbat Morning Torah Study

TBT Book Club

Women of Chai & Men’s Club Programs throughout the year

More Information

Email Us with any questions you may have or for more information about our educational programs.